I recently read a pretty great blog post by Stormy over at Book.Blog.Bake (here!). Stormy's in college, and she outlined what her reading life has been like since she started her college career. Her post made me laugh a little because when I was in college...
...wait for it...
...I didn't HAVE a reading life.
I know! THE HORROR. I feel guilty even admitting it to myself. But alas, it is true. College is the one time in my literate life when I had a near-cessation of all pleasure reading.
From my conversations with others, I've found that I am not alone in this. A lot of people lose their pleasure-reading mojo in those four (or five, or seven...) years on the way to a university degree. On the flip side, other students go on total reading binges in college. I actually read several very active book blogs run by current college students, and I have to admire them for it.
Reason #1 why I wasn't reading in college: I was busy dancing like an idiot in dorm rooms. Other faces blurred to protect the innocent. You know who you are. |
1. Too much OTHER reading to do.
Freshman year, I was a pathobiology major (nerd alert!) and spent all my time trying to figure out what a derivative was and not blowing things up in chem lab. Sophomore year I switched to family studies, and for the rest of my collegiate life, I was left with the hell that all social science majors are familiar with: NEVER-ENDING TEXTBOOK READING. No time for novels, that was for sure.
2. Too much socializing to do.
What can I say? I lived on campus all four years, and there was always a party, concert, or midnight pizza run to attend to. And even when I wasn't out and about, I was on AIM in my dorm room IM'ing everyone I knew and coming up with witty, pithy away messages. Those were the days, AMIRIGHT?
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AIM away messages: practice for future Facebook statuses |
I worked 3 jobs simultaneously while I was in college, in addition to taking a full courseload. I was fairly well booked all the live-long day.
4. Too tired.
With all the aforementioned stuff going on, I rarely went to bed before 2am and rarely woke up after 7am (on weekdays, anyway). When I DID have downtime, the last thing I had energy for was a book. Instead, marathons of West Wing (BARTLET FOR PRESIDENT!) and episodes of Late Night with Conan O'Brien were pretty much the only activities that could hold my attention for more than 30 seconds.
My senior year college dorm room. NARY A BOOK IN SIGHT. West Wing DVDs, 35mm film, and an overabundance of fluorescent colors are there to date me though. |
Angels and Demons, and The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
One of my friends let me borrow these, and I remember sitting at one of my jobs, DEVOURING them. Nothing like a quick and dirty mystery to get you back in the groove.
Jemima J by Jane Green
I randomly picked this up at the bookstore and read it during my solo spring break vacation to Los Angeles (another story for another day). This started my love affair with Jane Green, and was probably the beginning of my women's fiction addiction.
Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer
My then-boyfriend-now-husband let me borrow this right before I graduated, and I was fascinated. I quickly jumped into Krakauer's other available books afterwards. And we all know about my adoration of JK.
So, collegiate readers, I salute you. College is not an easy time to get lots of fun-reading done. For those of you that do, keep on truckin'! And for those that have lost their reading mojo, please have faith that your break is temporary, and the library will be waiting for you after graduation.
Now go down that Jager shot your roommate just poured for you, and don't give it a second thought.
Graduation day. That face says, "Thanks for the memories, now where's my library card?" |